Web Design Case Study

Brand new website for an antiques shop with a Yorkshire twist

sumat different antiques website mockup on a computer
launch icon

Launched March 2022

ecommerce icon

Ecommerce Website

wordpress logo hand drawn

WordPress Website

The Client

Sumat Different Antiques sell a variety of antiques with a Yorkshire twist. They required an Ecommerce website to sell their antiques online, and allow customers to browse and find out more about specific items.

The client also required a logo and branding, for launching their online presence.

sumat different antiques logo
sumat different antiques website on a mobile

What We Built

First we created a logo and branding for the client, building a visual identity for the brand. This helped steer our design process for the website. We went for an old school design, to fit the theme of antiques and historical items. We wanted the site to have a vintage feel, and stand out from your average website.

Following the design process, we developed the site using WordPress and the WooCommerce platform. We imported the client’s existing products from eBay, ensuring all product data was carried across. Custom configuration was added for shipping options, so customers can choose from delivery or collection when they purchase an antique.

WordPress training and resources were provided to the client, demonstrating how to upload products and manage the store. Are you looking for an ecommerce website? We would be happy to assist, give us a call on 01484 941 075 to request a quote and full project proposal.