Web Design Case Study

Bespoke Shopify website for a nutrition brand

ultimate blend website mockup
launch icon

Launched June 2022

ecommerce icon

Ecommerce Website

shopify logo hand drawn

Shopify Website

The Client

Ultimate Blend is an Ecommerce brand founded by a Professional Nutritionist. They sell high quality supplements which use natural ingredients and are vegan friendly. In addition, they offer nutrient deficiency testing and health training programs.

The client had an existing website on Shopify, and they required a re-build of the website to improve conversion rates and the overall user experience.

ultimate blend logo
ultimate blend website on a mobile

What We Built

To begin with, we analysed the existing website and its strengths & weaknesses. We identified key areas for improvement, and also reviewed the written content of the website. A workshop session was conducted with the client to identify their vision for the new wesbite. We created a range of intial design concepts for the key pages, utilizing a variety of styles. The client’s preferred designs were then refined further, and built into final design concepts.

Following the design process, we began building the website on the Shopify platform. We used custom Liquid and CSS throughout to create a unique design. Intensive development was carried out on the product pages. We ensured these pages get across the unique selling points in an impactful way, making use of icons and tabbed content. Existing apps were integrated into our new theme, using Liquid – including “Subscribe & Save” functionality. New content was created by our copywriter, with a focus on increasing conversion rates. The old site was too text heavy in some places, so we focused on writing key selling points in smaller paragraphs and making use of icons for visual impact.

We were delighted with the end prodcut, the website really gets across the personality and values of the Ultimate Blend brand.

Are you looking for a bespoke Shopify website? We would be happy to help! Just give us a call on 01484 941 075 to get a quote and project proposal.